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Water Works


With our own trained operators and employees we are able to complete all Water/Sewer work for our projects.

Alloy Collision Center

Location: Saskatoon Sk

Client: Vaughn Wyant Investments Inc.

Spadina Lift Station Bypass Building

​Saskatoon SK

Construction of a new bypass lift station complete with :

  • Installation of a new 1200mm diameter pipe from the new wet well to diversion manhole.

  • Due to the spoil conditions a shoring system was installed.

  • All process mechanical, electrical and control systems were included.

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Spadina - 1
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Spadina - 10

Alloy Collision Center

Location: Saskatoon Sk

Client: Vaughn Wyant Investments Inc.

Acadia Drive Reservoir Pumping and Piping Upgrades ​

Saskatoon SK

  • Responsible for the engineering and installation of a new shoring system to allow for the construction of a new concrete valve chamber without disturbing the existing reservoir and pumping station

  •  A new 900mm diameter casing sleeve was installed by directionally boring under the existing reservoir and connecting to the new sump pit in the reservoir.

  • Installation of a new 1200mm diameter header and 750mm diameter draw lines from the existing reservoir.

  • Installation of new sump within the reservoir.

  • Removal and replacement of valves and piping within existing pump station.

  • Soft Landscaping.


Alloy Collision Center

Location: Saskatoon Sk

Client: Vaughn Wyant Investments Inc.

Pilot Butte Wastewater Treatment System Upgrade

Pilot Butte SK

  • Construction of a new sewage pumping station including a 65m   building over a  5.8m deep wet/dry chamber. Supply and installation of new pumping, mechanical, electrical and control equipment.

  • Construction of a new 100m  aeration building including 4 new blower units, electrical, mechanical and control equipment

  • 1.5KM of 250 - 400mm HDPE force main

  • 1.7KM of 250 - 400mm PVC influent/effluent pipe

  • 2.55ha HDPE lined lagoon aeration cell including all new air distribution piping

  • 162,500m3 compacted clay lined lagoon storage cell

  • Two new 32m x 90m submerged attached growth reactor cells (SAGR) including all wastewater and air distribution piping.

  • Construction of new roads, ditches and site grading

Pilot Butte - 11
Pilot Butte - 1
Pilot Butte - 3
Pilot Butte - 2
Pilot Butte - 4
Pilot Butte - 5
Pilot Butte - 6
Pilot Butte - 7
Pilot Butte - 9
Pilot Butte - 8
Pilot Butte - 10



Alloy Collision Center

Location: Saskatoon Sk

Client: Vaughn Wyant Investments Inc.

Jasper Avenue Lift Station

Saskatoon SK


  • ​Constructed then sank a new 2000sf lift station 50’ into the ground.

  • Building was sunk without disturbing the surrounding buildings or existing utilities.

  • Tunneled from the new lift station 120’ to the existing manhole in the street.

  • The tunnel was 30' below grade

jasper 6
jasper 2
jasper 3
jasper 5

Alloy Collision Center

Location: Saskatoon Sk

Client: Vaughn Wyant Investments Inc.

Rosetown Sewage Pumping Station

Rosetown SK


  • ​Construction of a new sewage pumping station

  • All sanitary sewer site connections

  • Decommissioning of existing sewage pumping station

  • Renovations to the water well pumphouse

  • All process mechanical electrical and controls

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